Practices of Employment

MCCI believe that employees play the important roles for the sustainability of organization. Therefore, a proper HR management system is being implemented in our company. This HR management system focuses on people competency as well as performance.


Why competency based human resource management?

Competency-based HR management (CBHRM) is about using the concept of competency in all processes related to HR management, such as recruitment and selection, employee development and employee rewards. It involves a transition from the traditional way of managing human resources based on what people have (qualifications) to what people can do (capability).

CBHRM has several benefits. Firstly, it can help align the behavior of employees with our organizational strategies and values. In addition, CBHRM can help to maximize human capabilities in terms of the weaknesses and strengths of the Company’s employees. This ensures that the Company places the right people in the right jobs, and develops clear training and development processes. Lastly, CBHRM can reduce the cost of training, recruitment, and retention programs.


Talent Management

Some of the company’s employees display outstanding potential. MCCI recognizes this and offers them opportunities to grow trough the talent management program. Our talent management program is a business strategy that enables us to retain our most talented and skilled employees. Just like employee involvement or employee recognition, it is this business strategy that ensures that the Company is able to attract top talent. In short, talent management is our organizational commitment to recruiting, hiring, retaining, and development of the most talented employees in the job market.