
Fun Walk and Charity Day

28 Jul 2023

Friday, 28 July 2023, PT Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia (MCCI) held a Fun Walk and Charity Day which was attended by management representatives and MCCI employees on routes from the factory to the nearest village, namely Gerem Village. While in the Gerem village, MCCI symbolically handed over the aids of sports equipment (badminton, volleyball, futsal and mats) and health equipment to the Sumur Wuluh Elementary School Principal, as well as symbolically handed over the extension of the MCCI land cultivation agreement to farmers from the Gerem Village. Present at the event; President Director of MCCI with employee representatives; Gerem Village Head – Rahmadi Ramidin, ST, Bhabinkamtibmas Gerem Village - Bripka Asep Irmawan; the principal of SDN Sumur Wuluh – Mrs. Sarinten; community leaders and farmers from the Well Wuluh Environment.

Sports equipment assistance was provided by MCCI to support the development of students' sports potential, while cleaning equipment was provided to support the habit of a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle at Sumur Wuluh Elementary School.

MCCI also lent back some of MCCI's land area of around 6 hectares to be cultivated and planted with rice and secondary crops by around 26 farmers from the nearest village. Cultivation of land for agriculture has been going on since around the 2000s. Agricultural products can fully be enjoyed by Farmers.